Saturday, June 21, 2008

Engineer Atlast

"An engineer is a person who is professionally engaged in a field of engineering. Engineers are concerned with developing economical and safe solutions to practical problems, by applying mathematics and scientific knowledge while considering technical constraints." I am not sure how well i fit in the definition, but atlast I am now an Engineer for sure. Out of 4 years, reading mere 8 months and getting an engineering degree, well thats how it works. Including these 4 years, what I really got is 18 years packed in college uniform. Group of caring friends, inexperienced but nice teachers spearheaded by a raging bull, hostel life, getting into India's IT behemoth etc are what I ve seen in those engineering days. But in the end I can assure that getting into a new college under an one year old university was nothing like any misfiring synapses. And friend then I am an engineer at last.

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